Premium Panini Tricycle Hire
Premium Panini Mobile Catering Service. Suitable for any Celebration or feast or social event

Service Description
The Premium Panini Mobile Catering service can be set up on either the gold or spotty tricycles (pictured) Or make it your own with custom branding. Choose from a wide variety or fillings or create your own, all served in a Baked ciabatta style roll. The super fast panini machine will cook four panini's at a time so service is around 45 servings per hours. All served in biodegradable packaging with wooden cutlery if required. Suitable for: Indoors if access allows, if outdoors cover needs to be provided for rain / sun Access: Double door width flat access required. If your access has any steps or single doors call us to see what we can do at your venue. Power Requirements: 1 x 13amp drawing 3000watts. Tricycle Size: 1m x 2.5m Branding options: Full vinyl wrap of panini tricycle Foamex Boards Branded Napkins. Day rate hire.